BECOMING A LYNX FELLOW requires commitment and time. Below are some details about ENROLLMENT.


Mentoring styles can be traditional, flash, or parallel. Email Jason Brogden at JBROGDEN@RESPONSIVEEDTX.COM for inquiries and application forms.


Time commitments can be weeks or months for planning or perhaps even just a single session if there is an acute context. More time is always better allowing for stable growth since practice makes permanent.


The Lynx Science Academy is located in the suburb of Lewisville in the DFW Metroplex near Dallas, Texas. We are working to develop multiple sites and each of our training rooms has access to the natural landscape of the campus areas.


Connections for community can possible be 1:1, mentoring cadres, field project teams, or virtual reading groups.


Tracking and reporting back during check-ins to the mentor for accountability and real progress. This helps with contentment, expectations, and satisfaction in one’s personal growth.